The Marionettes reviewed and took their check-ins over percents this week. The Saplings worked with similar figures and practiced solving proportions to find scale factors of similar figures. The Vroomshrooms graphed exponential functions and had a lesson over geometric sequences. Thursday, all students took part in a STEM challenge to create a bow and arrow. We competed and used our bow and arrows to shoot a target made of chalk on the playground wall outside.
Monday means book clubs! These were the penultimate sections for both the novels we’re reading upstairs, so the drama has almost–but not quite!–reached the climax: for Vroomshrooms it’s Around the World in Eighty Days by French author Jules Verne and for Saplings and Marionettes it’s In the Reign of Terror by G.A. Hentry.
Students designed their own discussion questions by identifying parts of the text that evoked emotions like fear, suspense, laughter, etc. Marionettes and Saplings learned what dramatic irony is and also made predictions about the final four chapters. One sharp Vroomshrooms said our novel is racist, so of course we dove into that, identifying examples from the book that, in modern day, we consider racist or sexist. I asked if they think it’s important to read classic literature even though it contains these ideas, and we had a lively conversation.
Tuesday and Wednesday students in each grade continued reading the nonfiction book, Beward Madame Guillotine. On top of identifying key ideas, analyzing text structures and mapping those on graphic organizers, the students continued making connections to what they’re learning about the French Revolution in theme.
Thursday started off with a little disappointment since Shipe Park was rained out, so we spent the day getting messy with art project tie-ins to our literature. Even though it wasn’t picnicking and playing at the park, students had a fun time. Last week the Saplings and Marionettes discussed the disguises our characters wore to escape Paris during the French Revolution, so they made their own disguises–paper doll style. The Vroomshrooms continued making their giant globe by finishing the papier mache, painting it blue, and drawing the continents to glue on in the future.
It was time for a timeline this week in Theme!
After analyzing what CAUSED the French Revolution last week, students dove into the specific events that took place transforming France from an absolute monarchy to a Republic. We began with information that took students through the simmering problems, the inspiration, the SPARK, and the effects of the uprisings in late 18th century France.
Students made comparisons to other revolutions, like the American Revolution, with similar events that symbolize the radical changes that took place. Students remarked that the Declaration of Independence mirrored the French Declarations of the FRights of Men; that the storming of the Bastille represented the “shot heard round the nation” for France, and ushered in their own Independence Day, called Bastille Day. These were documented on a special interactive timeline in their notebooks.
We had a special visit from Ms. Lorrie, who gave the students a tutorial on our project platform called Thinglink. Students were given a tour through the programs parameters and generated ideas for their own project. The tutorial and practice Thinglink are loaded onto the Google Classroom. We will also hold Thinglink Thursdays for the next three weeks to help further the projects along.

Taking a break to reset and rest your mind is a great way to maintain focus. Above, the Sapling classes took a Brain Break to play a quick movement game called “Row your Boat”.

At top, Vroomshroom students put the finishing touches on their French Revolution timelines. Above, Marionette students take a Brain Break to play “Row your Boat”, the Royal Addition, trying to move through the crowd without losing their crowns.

Top left: Vroomshrooms arrange their hand drawn scenes from Around the World in Eighty Days into sequential order. Top right and bottom: Vroomshrooms create a giant papier mache globe.

Top left: Saplings and Marionettes use assorted craft supplies to create a disguise. Top right: Marionettes work together in small groups to read and process nonfiction. Bottom: Ms. Amanda guides students through the Cupid’s Arrow STEAM challenge.

Top: Ms. Peggy, grandparent volunteer, teaches Vroomshrooms an art trick for drawing continents on a larger scale so they will fit on our globe. Bottom: The Vroomshrooms’ globe is coming along!

Top: Students wash away the paint and chalk from our Cupid’s Arrow STEAM challenge. Bottom: Ms. Peggy, grandparent volunteer, helps students pick supplies for their disguises.

At top, students prepare materials for the Cupid’s Arrow STEAM Challenge, which had them building bows and arrows to shoot at a target outside on the playground.