
2nd/3rd: Week of 2/3

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group wrapped up their unit on time & measurement by reviewing straight line measurements and the technique of “marking the spot!” We did some more measuring of large items in the room, this time in inches AND feet. Then we practiced converting our mixed measurements into just inches using vertical addition and regrouping skills from past units. We even had some time to break out our analog time games for a little bonus practice before we took our unit test on Thursday. Ms. Kelly’s math group attacked tough perimeter problems with missing sides, moved from […]

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Three elementary students point at board at micro school in Austin.

2nd/3rd: Week of 1/27

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group practiced estimating & measuring like crazy! We also had several discussions about measurement, how and why we do it and why accuracy is important. We looked at inches, feet and yards as well as centimeters and meters. Paxton chose to measure a popcorn kernel – that was the only time we delved into millimeters :) We measured some pretty large items by learning a new skill: “marking our spot” and there were calculations to be done – mostly inches into feet but also inches into centimeters! The Beta 1s practiced ordering sets of items

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Elementary teacher reads to students at project-based school.

2nd/3rd: Week of 1/20

For a two day week, we sure got a lot done! Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group wrapped up their discussion of schedules and activities that are done in the AM vs PM and dove right into measurement! We began with non-standard units of measurement, using items such as coins, chains, cubes, etc. to measure classroom items. We learned the proper way to measure and the importance of always estimating before measuring, because we won’t always have a measuring tool with us, we want our estimating skills to also be top notch. Ms. Kelly’s math group leaped right into division

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Micro school elementary student holds up language arts work proudly.

2nd/3rd: Week of 1/13

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group reviewed telling time: to the hour, half hour, quarter past, quarter till, in 5 minute increments and down to the exact minute! We learned new time games and created a “Day in the Life of a Beta” schedule as well as a dream schedule! This week was full of lots of practice telling time to the minute WITH PRECISION for the Beta 1s! Ms. Kelly’s math group began the week working so hard on one and two step word problems that incorporate addition, subtraction and multiplication, moved into reviewing all of our multiplication strategies,

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Second grade students create circle on rug at private school in Austin.

2nd/3rd: Week of 1/6

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group launched into a new math unit on time! We created a large clock together, then each made our own with moveable hands. These Betas remember so much from last year! This year we will focus on precision. We practiced reading clocks and drawing hands on analog clocks to the hour, half hour, quarter hour and every 5 minutes. We also learned a new game, sorting activities based on when we do them (AM/PM). Next week our discussion of time and schedules will continue, along with practice telling time down to the exact minute! Ms.

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Two second grade students work together at non-religious school in Austin.