2nd/3rd: Week of Jan 29

Math –

Ms. Andrea’s math group measured the room! We talked about standard units of measurement and put our rulers, measuring tape and yard stick to work. We compared lengths! The Beta 1’s were challenged to order themselves by height – silently! They rose to the challenge. We practiced our measuring skills while pivoting between inches and centimeters. On Tuesday the crew practiced addition and subtraction facts – both one and two digit! Thursday, we did a smorgasbord of measuring activities! From measuring items from a junk drawer, to partnering and answering discussion questions and solving measurement challenges!

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Ms. Kelly’s math group practiced our last strategy for finding the quotient- arrays! -Another solid strategy when you aren’t sure how to solve a tough equation. We had loads of multiplication fluency practice this week and ended reviewing division strategies – board game style!

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Literacy –

In reading – loads of word work and book clubs! On Tuesday we practiced a little handwriting and had some free language arts time; reading, writing, and playing with words! Shipe Park Day means a chill reading block. We read and played with words some more!

In writing we have begun the planning stage for our nonfiction writing piece! The kiddos have started writing facts on sticky notes – one per sticky note. They will then be able to gather all of their sticky notes and arrange them into proper categories that create a good flow for their biography of an inventor. Mega research happening for biographies this week!

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Theme –

Now that we have explored all 6 simple machines, we did a quick review before we move to the more complex compound machines! We did a quick simple machine sort, wrote our opinion of what simple machine is the most important, and went on a simple machine scavenger hunt to find simple machines in our classroom!

We compared and contrasted simple and compound machines, categorized simple and compound machines, took a Rube Goldberg cartoon and labeled the simple machines we found, and we watched many crazy Rube Goldberg style videos to get us warmed up for our home project as well as our upcoming projects in school!

The crew are in the planning stages of creating their own simplified cardboard automaton. Next week we will create!

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