2nd/3rd: Week of 5/13

Visiting a castle in Texas?? Why, yes! Our little knights really enjoyed exploring, and battling, in a real life castle! Thank you parents for driving and spending the day with us at Newman’s Castle!

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Our feast on Wednesday was a huge success (thank you again parents!)

Feasting was a very important part of medieval life for Kings in medieval times. It was a way for them to lift their own spirits and the people around them. Feasts were commonly a gathering of kings’ or nobles’ family and friends in which an abundant supply of the finest foods and drinks were supplied at a grand table. The guests would eat the food with their fingers as there were no knives (or they came with their own personal knives) and forks at that time and medieval food was served on slices of stale bread as plates.

There were lots of staff on hand at a medieval feast to serve the food and fill the drinking cups with wine or ale, pages, and or squires who were training to become knights under the guidance of the Lord would usually help serve food and drinks.

Manners were very important. Here are a few of our favorites!

Rules for the Table

– One uses one’s own knife which was brought with oneself.

– Forks were cooking utensils. Never eat with them.

– Food is picked up by stabbing with the knife but NEVER did the knife go to the mouth. The food must

be removed with the fingertips to eat.

– Keep your elbows off the table while eating.

– Do not belch or spit at the table.

– Do not stuff your mouth full.

– Do not dip meat or fingers directly into the salt bowl. Use the knife tip.

– Do not use the knife to pick your teeth.

– Do not take all the choicest morsels for yourself.

– Meat should be cut from the joint.

– A spoon should be used for broth. Do not lift the plate to your mouth.

– Under no circumstances eat the trencher (plate of stale bread).

– Napkins to be placed over the left shoulder or left wrist and used.

– Do not wipe your mouth on your sleeve- use a napkin.

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