Middle School: Week of Sept 25


Da Sprouts worked Monday through Wednesday on dividing fractions and applications of dividing fractions. On Thursday they started their first performance task. A performance task is a scenario they must tackle on their own without any notes and only slight assistance from me. This particular performance task was to adjust a given recipe to low fat, low carb, high protein, and smaller versions.

EverShrooms worked all week on two-step equations. They solved some involving integers, they completed application problems, and wrote equations based on scenarios.

Polar Bears started the week with a game of BINGO to practice solving equations. Tuesday they were introduced to solving equations with variables on both sides of the equation. Wednesday and Thursday they wrote and solved equations with variables on both sides.

Mountain Lizards practiced function notation on Monday, learned about zeros on Tuesday, and arithmetic sequences on Wednesday and Thursday.


This week we learned about being and helping verbs and their importance in building sentences. We also read a personal narrative and deconstructed it to find all the necessary elements of this genre, then students started writing their own. Last, but not least, everyone put the finishing touches on their creation story scripts, rehearsed, and created scenery for the puppet shows we’ll present to the Gammas next week.


Closing a quarter at AHB can sometimes create a lot of chaos. This week, Delta students had two projects to finish up. With the assistance of peer tutors and helpers, we found a lot of success. Students outside projects on an extinction animal produced summary pages and 3D Display models. Students spent their P&P time this quarter creating these projects and the results were stunning! Painting displays, dioramas, and crochet animals were just a part of the menagerie of finished products.

Another project focused on the effects of the rock cycle on how the Earth has formed and changed over the billions of years in its existence. Students were assigned to choose a rock type and create a children’s story about its origins, lifecycle, and its eventual transformation in the cycle. Divided into teams, the Delta students read the Rock stories to the Alpha and Beta students. With tales about hot magma rocks, and tough igneous rocks, the interaction between the students was priceless. One Beta student commented that she learned a lot about how rocks were formed and also liked the fiction of the stories.

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A puppet stapling the final draft of a script!

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Preparing, preparing, preparing for the show!

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Mountain Lizards working hard in math.

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Sprouts students assist each other in putting the finishing touches on quarter projects focusing on extinction animals. Each student produced a 3D Art Piece and summary of the origins, life cycle, and the reasons for extinction of animals across the geological time eras.

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Delta students read creative fiction stories about rocks to Alpha and Beta students. The readings were the result of Delta students learning about the Rock Cycle and how it creates changes to the Earth’s surface over time.