2nd/3rd: Week of Apr 8

Math –

Ms. Andrea’s math group inspected quarters this week! We found the tails side to be very interesting – we found ones that honor states, a national park, and other interesting places. The Betas are getting pretty great at counting mixed coins. We also discussed spending and wants vs needs. We split into groups and solved several scenarios involving budgets, needs and wants. The Betas did a great job of cooperating, listening to each other and sharing the group responsibilities.

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Ms. Kelly’s math group kept plugging away at finding area and perimeter for those pesky rectilinear shapes with missing sides and explored area and perimeter word problems! I’m sure you can imagine the joy! ;) These guys are so ready for the post unit text on Monday so we can move on to FRACTIONS!

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Literacy –

Book Club continues to run like clockwork and we explore new word patterns every week.

Our biggest news is in Writing Workshop. We began a unit in Fairy Tales this week! But before we can write them we need to make sure we are familiar with, and know the true elements of a fairytale. After brainstorming what we think a fairytale consists of, we read one, noticing these elements as they emerge.

After reading Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, we discussed the importance of creating a really good main character. In order for the reader to be hooked, we need to give them enough information about the character so they can relate to them. We do this by showing, not telling- using character traits! First we focused on GOOD character traits. We brainstormed both physical and personality traits and even received some word bank lists to add to our writing journals to refer to for inspiration during our writing process. Then we got to work! We imagined what the good character in our own fairytale might look and act like and drew a picture and jotted down some traits to begin to bring that character to life!

At the end of the week we created another very important character in fairy tales-the EVIL villain! Villains are evil, but necessary. Good and bad co-exist in the world. The value of one cannot be realized without the presence of the other. In fairy tales, villains serve a number of purposes apart from providing substance to the story. Usually, the evil characters are the antagonists who build against the protagonists, that create a conflict in the story that actually helps bring out the dynamics of heroism and character development in the protagonist.

After reading a tale and discussing the villain’s physical and character traits, we got down to business creating our own! Lastly, we shared with the group to gain more ideas and inspiration! We are off to a good start!

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Theme –

Back in the Medieval Times artisans would make woodblock prints as a type of signature for their work, or use the wood block print as the actual art. They would carve out a simple design in wood, ink it, and stamp it on paper and/or fabric. We wanted to give it a try! Each child designed a simple shape that fit with our theme on paper. When they were satisfied with the design, they “carved” it into a styrofoam piece to mimic a block of wood. Then we pressed it into the ink and we had ourselves a “woodblock” print!

Our artisan and craftsmen Peeps were very busy this week making their tiny goods to sell at the market! Swords, bread, cakes, clothing, tools, even grave stones!!

We made tiny Peep Medieval Market stalls to sell our goods next week! All it took was some cardboard, wooden skewers and a little colored paper! Aren’t they adorable!

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*** Want to see more pictures and videos? Don’t forget to check us out on Instagram! ***

@ Beta_class