For a two day week, we sure got a lot done!
Math –
Ms. Andrea’s math group wrapped up their discussion of schedules and activities that are done in the AM vs PM and dove right into measurement! We began with non-standard units of measurement, using items such as coins, chains, cubes, etc. to measure classroom items. We learned the proper way to measure and the importance of always estimating before measuring, because we won’t always have a measuring tool with us, we want our estimating skills to also be top notch.
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Ms. Kelly’s math group leaped right into division word problems. We started easy with only one step problems on Wednesday. But Thursday was all about one, two and THREE step word problems using all 4 operations! After some group practice on the rug we decided to work on our independent practice with others so we could talk through all the steps. Sometimes just reading the word problem out loud and talking through what you think you need to do with someone is a game changer. These guys did great! One more practice next week before wrapping up our multiplication and division units!
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Reading –
Ms. Kelly’s spelling crew continued exploring adding the suffix -ing onto words with long vowel sounds. During our word sort we noticed that words with vowel pairs, like in rain, could easily have -ing tacked onto the end. But in words ending in the magic e, like bake, we needed to drop the e before adding the -ing. We also practiced breaking multisyllabic words into bite sized chunks, complete with coding. These words continue to get bigger and more complicated and these guys are becoming multisyllabic word decoding experts!
Ms. Andrea’s spelling group reviewed several spelling patterns we’ve learned so far this year, including: ck is only used after a short vowel, oi is usually used at the beginning or middle of words/syllables while oy comes at the end, and double l s f and z after a short vowel in a 1 syllable word.
This week we turned our focus to word parts. We practiced identifying prefixes, suffixes and base words. We saw how adding word parts can change the meaning of the word. We studied our spelling list with gusto, picked an activity for the week (task cards, practice page or “windows”) and all sat together to take the spelling check-in on Thursday. Over the next few weeks we’ll delve deeper into specific suffixes.
In Book Clubs two new books were started this week with two new book club groups :) In many of the groups we are seeing more of the very important skill (but not very popular 😒) “going back through the text to find evidence to support your answer, especially if you aren’t 100% sure of the correct response to a question”. Often, when we first begin Book Club the kids will just guess if they are unsure of an answer. Well that is unacceptable! Looking for text evidence is crucial because it teaches the kids to actively engage with the text, verify their understanding by checking against the written words, and support their opinions with facts from the story, fostering critical thinking skills and building a strong foundation for deeper reading comprehension in later grades. But this takes time, patience and a LOT of practice! And we are well on our way!
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Writing –
The Betas learned the story of Johnny Appleseed. We read two versions of this tall tale hero, who is said to have spread appleseeds for the settlers while traveling west across the country. Along the way he lived happily in nature and befriended animals, as well as Native Americans. He was a peaceful fellow. We are setting the stage for an upcoming lesson on character development. Soon the Betas will be creating their own tall tale heroes!
On Thursday we fact checked the tall tale by reading a nonfiction account of the life of John Chapman. We used our detective skills to go back over the tall tale & informative text to search for evidence to use in answering some questions about them. The Betas are all working on honing this skill which will greatly help them throughout their academic pursuits.
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Theme –
Our wagon families are itchin’ to start heading west but first we needed to get organized by making a list of supplies our family needs for the journey before we go “buy” them (make them!). Back in the mid 1800s it would cost between $600 and $800 to outfit a wagon (including the purchase of the wagon) with all of the supplies needed for the 2000 mile journey west. The kids looked over an extensive list of possible supplies and decided what they could afford with a $700 budget. They were into it!!
Oh man were we excited to start outfitting our wagons on Thursday! We needed to “purchase” (make) all of the needed (Not wanted! We had a big discussion about needs and wants!)) items to prepare and sustain us for the journey along the Oregon Trail. We have only just begun preparing and will continue next week!
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*** Want to see more pictures, videos and more details about each day? Don’t forget to check us out on Instagram! ***
@ Beta_class